Palm Reading: $45
Palm Readings Help You Discover Your True Path

Palmistry is a technique used all over the world, with its roots in Indian astrology. There are four different types of shapes that reveal distinct information about each individual; Earth hands, Air hands, Water hands & Fire hands. Each one of these different shapes tells the details of the persons traits and abilities as well as their weaknesses and strengths. A palm reading can be very insightful into who you are and which path in life suits you best.
Tarot Card Reading: $65
Tarot Readings Can Direct You to Your Strongest Path

The Major Arcana Tarot Cards are the foundation of the tarot deck that represents a path of spiritual self awareness and pin points certain stages of your life to help direct you to your strongest path and can help you avoid some unnecessary difficulties that may be coming your way. There are also four different suits in a deck that can help direct the reading into information about Love, Money, Happiness, Career. Overall a tarot reading is considered very insightful.
Psychic Reading: $85
The psychic reading is one of the strongest readings that can be done.

Since the psychic reading is done by holding an item belonging to the client, it has ability to pick up on precise details of the clients life from past present and future. It also can tune into past life circumstances, so the psychic reading can guide the client into clarity and awareness of themselves and of the people around them.
Love Reading: $155
Get Your Love & Relationship Questions Answered with These Readings

Answers all questions, gives specific details on relationship. Advises what direction to take in your love life. Will reveal if your lover is faithful or if your lover is the right one. Gives guidance on how to mend or restore your broken relationship.
Chakra Bed Healing
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An innovative healing method that utilizes crystal bed healing therapy to rejuvenate your mind and body with spiritually charged chakra balancing. Chakra bed healing is beneficial to your overall health because it balances the energy within to leave your body relaxed.
Chakra Bowl Therapy
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The Major Arcana Tarot Cards are the foundation of the tarot deck that represents a path of spiritual self awareness and pin points certain stages of your life to help direct you to your strongest path and can help you avoid some unnecessary difficulties that may be coming your way. There are also four different suits in a deck that can help direct the reading into information about Love, Money, Happiness, Career. Overall a tarot reading is considered very insightful.
Aura Cleansing Package $350

With the Aura Cleansing Package, Third Eye Psychic will guide you on how to use mediation tools and balance your energy. We’ll provide you with the crystals you need and teach you how to use them properly. We’ll cleanse your aura by removing negative energies that can cloud your vision and innate wisdom. It’s easy for your aura to become drained, muddied, or mired with thousands of outside influences. Cleansing your aura helps make you more positive and grounded. Let Third Eye Psychic help cleanse your aura with our aura cleansing package!
Energy Crystals: $50

Energy crystals help cleanse out negative emotions, balance your energy, strengthen inner balance, and bring spiritual + emotional peace. We have several Brazilian crystals (like amethyst, tiger’s eye, rose quartz, & clear quartz) that are stronger than other crystals. Each healing crystal carries its own properties and powers. Depending on their benefits, you can use an energy crystal to naturally heal yourself and remove stress & negativity. Balance your life with the help of energy crystals from Third Eye Psychic!
Energy Analysis through Meditation: $500

This service is for those who are diagnosed that something is blocking their energy. It is a 3-day process that will give you information on how to get your energy on the proper level of stability. This mediation service will provide you with information on the specific issues that need to be cleansed. It’ll help you discover the root of the blockage and cleanse it so that you can obtain an optimal level of balance. Let Third Eye Psychic help get your life balanced with our regression and mediation service!